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do good and good will come to you

One of the quickest ways to begin changing yourself for the better is to adopt The Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states ‘Do to others as you want others to do to you.’  or ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ This REALLY TYRULY means that you treat others as you want them to treat you. That is the simple instruction. It doesn’t mean you give lip service to it or that you intend to do it, it means you actually do it.

If you want to be respected you respect them first. If you want to be listened to you listen to them first. If you want help with the groceries you give them help first. If you want them to stop nagging you you stop nagging them. The list is potentially endless.

Why should we do this? Because it is powerful? Why s this so important and so powerful?

Because it begins with you. No one else. There is no waiting for anything or anyone else. It is up to you!

It is powerful because it starts with your thoughts. It begins with how you think about others and it puts the responsibility squarely on you. If it is going to happen you are going to have to do it. You initiate it and you maintain it. You begin it and you follow through. It isn’t up to how you are treated in return it is what you are able to do all by yourself.

You treat others the way you want to be treated whether or not they ever actually treat you the way you want to be treated.

WOW, that may have stopped a few readers! Your concern is not their actual response your concern is your mind set, your attitude, and your actions. You have to realize that YOU need to be the change you want to see in the world. You need to become fully responsible.

It isn’t about the other person returning anything to you.That would be you manipulating them. That would be you doing something just to get something back and that is selfish.

The idea is to consider how others want to be treated and then to treat them that way because that is the right thing to do. That puts you in the right frame of mind. It also takes you out of your own limitations of thinking and has you expand what you are capable of considering. ‘How might this other person want to be treated? Hmmmmm, How would I prefer to be treated? Oh, okay, so how might I better be able to treat them in that way?”  Just taking a moment to consider these questions when facing situations with others, stops you from reacting on autopilot and possibly begin to do new things. It opens you up, it opens your thinking up to be more positive and inclusive.

When you begin to really appreciate the power behind ‘Treat others how you want to be treated’ d o not be concerned with whether they reciprocate. That is not your concern. Just take care of you by doing good for them. Treat them well. You will do so much to transform everything about yourself when you are able to.

When you can adopt this attitude then you have shifted your mind powerfully!

When you realize it is completely up to you to think well and treat others well first, you are not depending on anyone to do anything for you. You aren’t relying on others to change you are relying on yourself. You are making it happen. This is powerful because now you are taking charge. You aren’t relying on circumstances to make a difference or what others do, you are just doing it.

You put yourself in the driver’s seat. You are not a passenger taken wherever someone else takes you. You determine the route, you decide where to go and what to see. This makes an incredible difference for people.

You are also ‘the other person’.

If you treat another person with respect, love, kindness, and appreciation then you should treat yourself the same way. Do not skimp on you either. You are important and deserve the best treatment. Stop getting down on yourself and start lifting yourself up. Inspire yourself and fill yourself with wonderful thoughts and feelings. When you first make it a prime concern to treat others well then you must make it your same concern to treat yourself well. AND when you make it a prime concern to treat yourself well then you must make it your same concern to treat others well.

When you first seek to ‘do to others as you want others to do to you’ you create the opportunity for them to reciprocate. You put your energy and focus into making others feel good (and important and happy) and FOR YOU to think and feel and act the same.

When you think and feel your very best you ARE more of your best. You become more open, happy, confident, upbeat, enjoyable and a person others may want to be around more. When you first treat others well they ARE more apt to want to return to you what you did for them. They are more apt to want to be around you.They are more apt to treat you better.

Some people say you vibrate at a higher level. Okay, I’ll go with that. You vibrate at a higher level. Your energy is more positive. When these things are true you attract others who have a similar energy or vibrational level. You radiate who and what you are positively. When you put this kind of energy out there you attract this kind of energy back. It will happen!

The point is you don’t just do it because you get something back in return you do it to do it! You do it because it is the right thing to do, the smart thing, the wise thing. When you do you will get it back. You may not always get it back from the person you give it to but you will get it back in return.

If you do something nice for someone and they don’t do anything back or they are mean to you THAT is an opportunity for you. Yes, of course it is a challenge and you may be inclined to get hurt or angry but then stop and think, if you were that person how would you want to be treated in this situation? What would YOU want the others to understand about you? If you were being difficult or nasty what do you really wish others would think about you and do for you to help you out?

Take the higher ground as best you can. They may wound you but do not let it fester. Aim high in your thinking. Aim to generate good will in your thoughts. The reason for this is that it isn’t up to the other person what happens it is all in how you respond. When things occur that you don’t want and don’t like what goes on in you that you can change for the better?

If you can learn that it is how YOU respond to life when life goes well or when it goes awry that will be a major learning for you. That will be a true highlight moment!

When you discover that you are able to evolve your thinking and feelings, so that no matter what it is that comes your way you are able to transform the moment, you become free. You are not tied to old negative habitual thoughts, feelings or actions you now have choice. You can chose which way you want to go and my guess is you choose the higher road. You chose that which is best for you and for others too. When life doesn’t dictate how you are to be but you decide then you are free and you are powerful. You are in charge.

When you are in charge you have more responsibility. You are responsible for your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. You are responsible for the results you get. As you take charge and take the high road you get better results too. You attract more positive people and all around and  your life improves.

Evolution begins in us. It doesn’t come from the outside it begins within. It is up to each of us and no one else. If you want your life to change for the better you must do it. Now is always the only time we have. We make a decision for what we want the future to be but now is the time we create that future. If you want your life to be better down the road you must act in this moment. If you want to transform this moment you must do something differently that will bring you a positive result.

It begins with your thinking. So ‘Do unto others the way you want them to do unto you’. Guard your thoughts, make them work for you and serve you well instead of being their servant. Everything begins with thought. When you can control your thought you control the results you are able to get.

As I have discussed in precious posts thoughts attract like thoughts. You want to control your thoughts because the first thought you think leads to others of a like nature. If it is negative you will get more negativity. Just as a snow ball traveling down a mountainside can trigger an avalanche so can your fist thought. It takes effort at first to train the mind and your thinking but you can do it. If you are going to have an avalanche at least think positive thoughts. It always matters what you do first. This is why I emphasize going first. Think positive thoughts first! Do for others first! Give First!  You will find an incredible world open up to you.

Become the person in charge you will enjoy the change. When you are filled with happiness, love, compassion, understanding, patience, tolerance, acceptance and all sorts of other wonderful qualities you and those around you benefit. You may benefit the most, but you won’t care, because you will be reaping what you have sown. That will be more than enough.” Rex Sikes

Enjoy you day! How many people can you make smile today?

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