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Today’s post is a tale of two men. Similar in almost every way. The two men take their axes and go into the woods to engage in a wood chopping contest. From sunrise to sunset, they were to chop down as many forest trees as possible. The prize, fortune and fame.

Both men chopped and chopped steadily from sunrise until noon.  At noon they were neck and neck. Then one man stopped chopping. He took a break. The other man saw this and thought to himself:  ‘Certainly I will win. His lunch break gives me the advantage!’

A little while later the man resumed chopping. As the day progressed this man chopped more trees than his hungry, hard-working competitor. By mid-day he had taken a clear lead. By sunset, he had chopped twice as many trees as the man without the break.

To Become Successful – Learn How To Do More With Less

‘How on earth did you beat me?’ asked the hard working, exhausted, sweaty, chopper. ‘You took a lunch break. I chopped straight through. I never stopped chopping, yet, you beat me! How?’

The winning chopper replied, ‘Yes, I did take a break for lunch. During that time I sharpened my axe.’

That’s our tale for today. The question is, have you sharpened YOUR axe? The goal is not to work harder and exhaust yourself but to work smarter. Are you tools sharp? Have you invested in yourself? Can you produce 80% more with 20% less effort? Smart ones do, do you?

Maximize Your Efforts With Inspired Right Action –  Mindset First

Be sure to take time to prepare yourself. That is what the winning wood chopper did. He made sure his tools worked properly. You have to invest in yourself and prepare your mind, your feelings and actions for forward progress. Use visualization and affirmations.

Put your mind to work. Spend time reading, studying, positive, productive, inspiring material that can help move you closer to accomplishing your goals and purpose. YOU are worth the investment of your money, time and energy! Love yourself.

Love yourself enough to give yourself the best. ‘Act As If’ you already have accomplished the good you desire to bring to pass. Sharpen you mental skills, your attitude, your mindset to work for you and with you. Develop success habits you can rely on!

From Within To Without – As Above  So Below – Plant Right Seeds

Dedicate yourself to making your goals come true. Be thankful for the road you have been on. It has led you to this moment. It leads to where you want to end up. Have fun, travel well, delight in the journey. Be grateful for each step along the way. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Do you know the difference between someone who is “earning a living” vs. someone who has “created wealth“? It’s not because they are any smarter, wiser, or born with special talents. No, it’s because they know specific principles and strategies that put them in the POSITION to succeed.

Which is why T. Harv Eker, #1 New York Times best-selling author, wrote the book SpeedWealth: How To Stop Earning A Living And Start Creating Wealth” where you’ll learn his proven, 8-step system to put you in a position to create wealth within a few short years.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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