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i am starting to attract the people around me

“Invest in your relationships. Nurture your personal and professional connections. Surround yourself with people that make you feel incredible. You can be more awesome when the people around you help you feel awesome.

You can’t be your best if some people are making you feel less than glorious. You get further faster with support. You may have to choose to not spend so much time with those people who bring you down.

You may need to be a bit selfish with your time and space in order to spend it with those who uplift you. Don’t be rude about it. Be gentle, be kind and simply withdraw your presence gradually over time. Spend your time elsewhere bit by bit.

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It will always be your decision to let them back in at some time. Wish them the best in your mind, your word and your deed as you choose those other people who can help you fulfill your purpose. Always wish everyone the best!

Make it a point that most every person around you is someone that you choose to keep around. Nurture and care for the important people in your life young or old but seek those who inspire you and challenge you to be your best.

Don’t just choose like-minded people who want to keep you the same as they are. Choose those who help you to stretch and develop your talents, abilities and resources. Surround yourself with those who help you to discover yourself and help you believe in yourself.

Happiness can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It is our network of people who help us move ahead. We cannot do everything by ourselves nor should we try. We should connect and network and form strong healthy close ties with good people. We need to care for the people in our lives.

Stay close to our loved ones, family, friends and associates. Together we are stronger! We want people in our lives who accept us as we are while allowing us and encouraging us to grow. It is important that this goes both ways.

Be certain that you accept them and allow and encourage them to grow as well. Relationships are based on mutual reciprocal support and nurturing. It is important that you give first what you seek in return. Be the same kind of best friend you want for yourself.

be the type of person you want to meet

Be the loving, strong family member you want in return. Become the person you want to meet and include in your life. Accept others and they can accept you. Inspire, help, motivate and support everyone in your life. Be grateful for everyone.

Even the ones you may let go of. Every person in our lives, intentionally or not, offers us opportunities to grow and see aspects of ourselves we may otherwise not. Every person is a much-needed mirror to reflect back to us who we are and what we value.

From those closest to us to strangers we randomly meet each shows us ourself and is a valuable asset to us. So be grateful for each and every person and the challenges and opportunities they present us with JUST be being themselves.

Love can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

When you’re incredible to be around you will attract back into your life incredible people. Make the other person feel marvelous first. The easiest way to do this is to feel wonderful. When you first feel awesome you can help them be more awesome.

They can’t be their best if you are making them feel less than glorious. So think and feel and behave your best. Birds of a feather flock together. Like attracts like. You get what you focus on. Keep your thoughts, words and deeds positive.

Think, act and speak only to bless, heal and prosper. Then those kind of people will be attracted to you and come into your life. Others who you may need to let go of may simply spend less time with you all on their own. They’ll seek the company of those similar to them.

Wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It is amazing how it works. SO live by the Golden Rule! Hold all people in your mind and heart in high esteem and with respect and you will be surprised how wonderful life becomes and how many new doors open for you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Delight fully in your day!

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