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“I spent time with a friend, mentor, today. He shared some powerful, pertinent ideas for all of us. It was a wonderful time. He shared how he grew his business and how he felt starting out. He got very successful in a very short period of time. Read and remember!

Another mentor of mine, went from less than nothing, to fabulously happy, healthy and rich in five years. Within three years, this gentleman changed his entire life. He began by asking, ‘what do you think it was like for me starting out? Then he began to share.

‘I built my business on a horrible presentation. I didn’t know what to do or how to talk about it. I didn’t know what to say. I  was scared. I didn’t have a clue how to share what I was doing with people. I sucked at it.  I felt like I was in over  my head; out of my league.

Wherever You Go – Go With All You Heart – You Have To Commit

BUTI just kept doing it. I had a vision of success I wanted to, one day, soon achieve. As someone said, your vision of victory must be bigger than your fear of failure. That is a choice. I had reasons to stop. Lots of things were not okay, but I kept going.  I was not organized.

The technology back then sucked. I just kept going. I just kept doing it. I made a promise to myself to continue in spite of obstacles. In spite of everything, anything, I would continue. I had mentors, I made myself coachable. I listened and I learned. I screwed up plenty.

Still, I listened and learned. I sharpened my axe everyday. I invested in myself and kept myself sharp. I filled my mind every day with positive reasons and thoughts. I read positive books. I stayed close to my mentors. I didn’t let disappointment or fear stop me.

We Are Here On Earth To Go All In – Make It Happen – Do It

The reason I made it in business is because I had reasons to succeed. I wanted to spend more free time with my children. I wanted to be with them while they grew up. Most people make just enough to get by, and that is it. I mean we all have cell phones and a place to live.

Most people aren’t hungry enough. They do just enough to manage. Dream big. If you don’t have a big dream, you’ll just get by.  We all want more than we have, but don’t pursue it! It is all or nothing. Do it. Buckle in. Make it happen. Only those hungry enough will.’

Yes, powerful words. You’re either all in the game or you are not in the game at all. Think on these things. Invest in yourself. Spend time reading and studying. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and gratitude. Spend time with people who are making it happen.

Commitment Transforms Dreams Into Reality – Decide To Do It

Commit to being successful. Dream big so you want to make it happen. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

JOIN ME LIVE THURSDAY JUNE 15, 2017  I’ll share some very powerful information you can use to transform your life in incredible ways! I’ll discuss manifesting what you want, the laws, principles and methodologies for making your dreams come true!

JOIN ME LIVE ON FACEBOOK Thursday June 15, 2017 : 6pm PST 8pm CST, 9pm EST  Plus, I’ll answer questions!

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Celebrate everything today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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