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“Haven’t you suffered long enough? Aren’t you tired with the way things are? If everything is great, then great! However, if you want it to be different but can’t yet figure out how to do it I have good news for you. You can live life on your own terms and make it so.

How? You have to switch your thinking from non-supportive to supportive. You need to develop supportive habits and replace old ones that haven’t worked well for you. Yes, it will take some work. It may not happen over night but you can do it. The time has come.

Begin by replacing your poverty thinking. I don’t just mean lack thinking about money although that is a good place to correct now too. Begin by steering your thoughts away from ‘I can’t’ and asking yourself, ‘why things suck’ to ‘I can’ and ‘I can improve this.’

A Negative Thought Will Never Give You A Positive Life

Move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking. I don’t mean wishing or rubbing a magic lamp. I mean thinking that you are able to learn to make a difference. You can change your situation. If you don’t know how you can and will learn how. Begin right here. I can!

Then repeat these thoughts. Whenever you find yourself thinking otherwise, stop, take a deep breath or two and start changing to more productive thinking. As you do you will develop an awareness of when you automatically go negative. Eventually you’ll cease it.

You will begin to eliminate the negative and begin to think positive supportive thoughts. Face it, no one does much by thinking, ‘I can’t do it. It won’t work. Nothing ever works out right for me. I don’t have enough money.’ It just doesn’t help you unless it propels you to fix it.

Train Your Mind To See The Good In Every Situation – Be Positive

If you don’t fix it you are being stupid. You are living as a victim of your own conditioned thinking instead of taking charge and changing your life for the better. Why do I say you are stupid? Because YOU can do something about it but don’t. Get it?

Tough Love! It’s time to switch from less than glorious thinking to glorious thinking. Time to start thinking, feeling and acting better. When you do you get better results. It is all up to you. Don’t wait. Start now. Develop powerful productive positivel habits that serve you to live the life you want. Be grateful you can. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Fill your mind with positive thoughts today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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