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“You are the intention that makes manifesting work or not. If it is to come true, it is up to you. Who are you? Are you someone who loves and believes in yourself or are you unsure. Are you someone passionate about your goals and certain you will make them happen or not? Are you the one who makes things happen or do you think it is others, luck, or some other force? Who are you? It matters.

You are the intentional force that makes things happen; what you want or what you don’t want, by who you are and what you focus your attention on. DO you realize you are the creator of your life? You are the origin, the action and the completion of your dreams. There is no separate. You are the author of the life you live. Do you understand, welcome, enjoy this, accept and embrace and realize this?

You are the difference that makes the difference! You are the universe, and the universe is you. Everything is one. You are consciousness. You are infinite potential, possibilities, opportunities and resources. Most live as paupers but you are truly rich and truly powerful. Whether you experience the goodness you desire is whether you live your power and focus on good or doubt it and get the ‘bad.’

If it is to be, it is up to me. It begins with your intention. Do you believe you can make it happen? If not, you won’t. You are the origin of your desire. Do you believe you deserve it, can have it, and can make it happen? If not, you won’t. You are the action, the follow through, the actor who makes things happen. Do you? If not, you won’t. You begin and complete the process. YOU! If you don’t, you won’t.

If you doubt you are not clear, certain or committed. It’s simple really. If you aren’t any of these things congruently, you can be. That’s your first task. Become this person who makes their intentions come true as they want them to. Become the kind of person for whom manifesting good is easy. Eliminate the doubt, fear and frustration. Accentuate the positive, optimism, harmony and all good things. Get this? If you need help, that’s why I am here. If it hasn’t been working and you’ve been struggling, stop struggling and reach out to me for assistance. You can transform, even if you haven’t. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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