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“It’s said ‘no man is an island.’ Truly, no one has ever made it without the cooperation of others. You aren’t in it alone and you need other people’s money to have some for yourself. Therefore, it’s important to treat others positively and respectfully on your journey.

It’s important to elicit the cooperation of like-minded, positive people who are able to achieve their goals and dreams. Harmony is one of the most essential elements needed for getting ahead in collaboration with others. This can’t be stressed enough.

People must be of one mind and work together toward the same thing without friction. The Golden Rule is a marvelous principle to keep in mind as you go after your goals. It’s useful in everyday life just on helping you to get along better with others.

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

‘Do to others how you want others to do to you.’ Treat them how you want to be treated. It’s worthwhile to keep this in mind in pursuing your dreams. The more you help others, elevate and edify them, recognize and reward them, the more they cooperate with you.

While you may not yet think so, there’s plenty of everything to go around. Look around and focus on the abundance of everything. Stop focusing on lack. The promotion of scarcity is often a scare tactic by would-be powers to further their agenda. Wake up!

Don’t be a thoughtless consumer but notice how plentiful things are in the world. Notice how incredible and beautiful it is. Focus on abundance. Some people try to carve up one pie claiming their won’t be enough for everyone. I say ‘make more pies.’

Wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Make one for everyone. Promote creating and attracting more. Promote the notion that everyone can and should benefit. It should not just be a few chosen people who have everything. It’s available to all but those who can claim it, make it scare can sell it. Get this.

Help others. When you act in harmony, when you help promote others to achieve their dreams, you are doing good things for them and for yourself. When you help others get ahead you are helping yourself get ahead. They are more likely to help you when you do.

If you step on others, are ruthless, dishonest, or disloyal you are hurting yourself more than anyone else. YEs, you are hurting others too. Realize we are all in this together. A rising tide floats the entire boat and everyone in it.

Happiness can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Let’s all make our personal dreams come true while helping each other fulfill theirs. Let’s expect the best. Let’s live by the highest standards. Let’s go the extra mile for others because we’ll be doing good for ourselves as we do.

Remember the law of reciprocity indicates that when you do something nice for someone they feel like doing something nice in return. Plus, birds of a feather flock together. So celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

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