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“You can’t get there if you haven’t set and don’t know your destination. The reason most people don’t accomplish their goals and dreams is because they want to be comfortable. They don’t want to stretch outside their comfort zone. They THINK it is too hard.

Continued from previous blog: People think it takes too much. Their limiting thoughts and beliefs, their excuses, whines and blames keep people the same. If this is you you need to change it up. Nothing will change until you change. The good news is YOU CAN CHANGE!

Yes, it takes some effort. You can’t do nothing and expect it to be different, but, even a small shift, a 1% change over time, can make an incredible difference. All you have to do is open that tiny window of possibility for change and you can. You decide to be different.

Every Day Is An Opportunity To Change Your Life For The Better

Read books. Read inspirational material that is motivational. Feed your mind a positive, healthy, mental diet each day. Walk outside and move your body. Spend some time in nature. Pick some positive affirmations and recite them frequently, with strong positive feeling.

Practice gratitude. Feel blessed. Smile more. Laugh. Even these small changes will make a big difference. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, but realize the more you do, the more you become able to do. Success breeds success and confidence. You can do it. YOU CAN! Learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have you watched my video? I linked it below.

I share powerful tips, advice, approaches and principles needed to transform your life in incredible ways! Watch today! Click the link!

***  Learn to create your best life ever!  ***

CLICK TO WATCH  Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes


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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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