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Horizons a-road-of-poems-phil-koch

“Your personal blind spot. You can’t see it. You aren’t even aware of it. You don’t know it exists. Others may, but you don’t. You don’t know what you don’t know. You can’t. You are unable to. You need to become aware of what you don’t know because it IS  limitation.

What you don’t know IS limiting you. How do you become aware of what you do not know? You rely on others who DO know what you don’t and can see that you don’t know it. These become your mentors and coaches, your teachers, guides and consultants

These become your trainers or sages. They can help you begin to see what you can’t yet. Those who are where you want to be and have started from where you started are most qualified because they have been where you are and have gone where you want to go.

Minds Are Like Parachutes They Only Work When Open

How willing are you to learn? How teachable are you? Can you stay open? For most people the three words that cause most trouble are ‘I know that.’ People stop, when they think they know something. Often, they only know about something. They are informed.

They hear a presenter speaking about something they have only read about and they think or say, ‘I know that’. Instead of staying open and listening and learning. If you really knew THAT why are you getting the lackluster results you are getting? Hmmmmmm?

If you really KNEW that you’d be applying it in a way to make your life better. To KNOW and not to DO is to not know. Information is only power when you USE IT to transform. Knowing is the ability to take inspired action not just satisfying intellectual information.

You Can’t See Your Own Face Without A Mirrored Reflection

Get it? If you think you know something how are you using it to transform your experience into something more grand? How are you assisting others in making positive changes? If you aren’t yet, you can. Stop! Let go of being right. Allow yourself to be humble.

You may need some assistance so be willing to allow the right others to guide you. Invest in yourself. You may need a book or some audio material, a mentor, a program or coaching and training.  You may not but allow yourself to be helped in moving yourself forward.

Walk the path with someone else. Let them support you. Allow it. Look, listen, learn and apply. The proper fruit of knowledge is action. The most important thing one can do is stay open, be available and use what you are learning. Make the changes you want.

Be Willing To Listen To Those People Who Have What You Want

Get feedback. Get feedback from the results you get and from others. Learn from everything. Evaluate and apply the feedback. Be careful to not just dismiss it. Awareness and understand are the two first steps to change. You don’t change unless you DO something.

That may be changing your thoughts because mindset is the first BIG piece. Get the mindset, the attitude, the thoughts right. Your feelings will follow and help you produce the right actions. Performing the right actions, consistently for long enough to become habits.

You want success habits that lead to successful results. We already have some success habits and some not success habits. We have those that support us and those which don’t. We have habits of doing and habits of not doing. If results suck you need new habits.

Listen To Those People Who Are Already Doing What You Want To

If you can’t see it, or you ‘already know that’ but you aren’t changing AND you want to, then find someone who can help you take the steps that serve you. Get you head on straight and bring your best game. It is great to have assistance from the correct sources.

Maps exist to help you reduce the amount of time it takes to get from place to place. They exist because people who already know they way shared the way. Some maps are incorrect so be sure you choose your sources wisely.  Listen to the correct sources.

If those around you say it can’t be done, and are not doing it, while there are others who are, they don’t know either. They have made up their minds against it. Be respectful, be polite, love them anyway and find those who are doing it already to guide you. Choose!

Tour Guides Exist To Point Out What You Might Otherwise Miss

Be open to the feedback from the right sources. Learn from it and apply it. Be grateful for opportunities and for those who support you. You are blessed when you discover those right mentors who care enough to be there for you. Enjoy your guides and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Celebrate fully this day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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