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“The world goes on no matter what. It doesn’t slow down for us one bit. Sometimes it may seem as if we just don’t have enough good juice to handle it all. There are ways, of course, practices and principles you can apply. Would you like to know an important one?

If you can only sit peacefully in meditation atop a mountain somewhere, removed from the noise and the hustle and bustle, then you haven’t really learned how to quiet the mind. One should be able to live meditatively anywhere. Meditation is perfect for living where conditions are less than desirable. Try it. You may like it!

There are circumstances we enjoy and those we dread. There are people who are good for us and those who are toxic. I am a firm believer that we should be able to rise above anything or anyone who is a problem. Just as with meditation we should not allow ourselves to be brought down because of outside influences.

There are those people who are good for you to be around. These are the people who love and appreciate you. They encourage and support you in positive ways. They help you nurture your goals and dreams. They enjoy who you are and allow you to become who you want to be.

These people respect and value you. You respect and value them. Together you feel more alive. These are people to spend more time around. It is good to surround yourself with positive energy and good feelings. Decide who these people are in your life and treat them like gold. They are resources to you and you can be the same for them. Together you form a positive power team. Embrace it.

Relationships like this are wonderful to develop and grow strong. Your team may be people you already know or people you meet soon. When it comes to new ones choose friends you are proud to know and have in your life. Choose people you admire and respect; people who walk their talk, because actions speak louder than words. This is critical. Do they live it?

You want people in your life who are nice to you and you are nice to them. It is important to reciprocate love and kindness. Notice what you appreciate in others and let them know. Tell them. Be their cheerleader too. Support them in their pursuits. Cheer them on to greater heights. Be genuinely thankful and happy when they succeed and move forward. Be thrilled for them!

Help them in their endeavors. Small or large it doesn’t matter. The more you help others the more they will help you. Go first when it comes to giving. Be a gracious and available receiver. What goes around comes around. Be honest and reliable. Keep your word. Be the kind of person you want others to be.  Care about them. Let them know how much they mean to you.

If an issue or misunderstanding arises be slow to blame and quick to forgive. Forgiving means don’t let resentments get the better of you. Put things back into perspective. Let go. If you have some incredible relationships with quality people seek to preserve these. It is desirable to have a great core of quality people who inspire, motivate and support each other.

There is a synergy that occurs when like minded people come together. There is an exponential effect when two or more are gathered. Together you create more than each person can individually. Together you may accomplish great things. Together you can live, love and laugh more. Together you form an oasis in the world. Celebrate your positive team of friends and family.” Rex Sikes

Make today make yesterday pale by comparison.

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Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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PS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.

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