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“The bottom line in personal change work is to realize who is driving your car. Are you the driver or someone else? If you don’t take control of your own mind and thinking process, and learn to control it, then someone else, from your past, is driving for you.

You are living and thinking and acting from previous old conditioning. You are living out old habitual life scripts reliably day in and day out. You only truly become free when you decide to take full responsibility for yourself. You become free when you take charge.

Re-condition your mind to be your servant instead of your master. Put it to work for you. Align your resources both inner and outer. Claim you life back. Assert your ability to be in charge and hold yourself accountable. This is where your freedom comes from!

When You Master Your Mind You Master Everything

No excuses, no blames, no whining or complaints. You own up to everything. If you are late it is because YOU are late. It is not because of traffic or weather or anything else. YOU could have left earlier but you didn’t. YOU are the reason YOU are late.

No harm no foul. Better luck next time if you are allowed another opportunity. Next time make sure you aren’t late. Make sure you are on time. This is how you learn and evolve. This is how you get your life back deliberately. You own up to it. You act in charge. You are!

Be fearless. Be certain. Be courageous and expect good to come your way. Enjoy and delight. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Have a day filled with smiles!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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