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“You only need to ask once. Yes, I know, some of you have had children and are in the habit of asking them to do something many times. Some grew up begging their families for things over and over. But you know what, with the universe you only have to ask once.

I ordered some CDs the other day. I ordered one of each, one time. I didn’t keep reordering my CDs. I placed the order and now wait for them to be delivered. I relax, and let go and let the powers in charge take care of delivering my order. Do the same with the universe!

Ask. Place your order. Let go. Relax. Wait, eagerly expecting your order to arrive in the perfect time. Some people think they must ask again and again. You don’t. You ask once. Yes, affirm again and again how grateful you are that you now have it. Maintain your faith!

Ask Believing You Will Receive And You Shall Receive It – Believe

This point many miss. Act like you already have it! Feel the feelings of having it now, even before it arrives. Don’t notice the waiting, notice the enjoyment. Affirm having it and how good this feels. Napoleon Hill said, do it at least twice a day. Do it. Enjoy this!

You may be used to dealing with co-workers, bosses and employees whom you have had to ask again and again. That is people. I’m talking the universe, Source, your subconscious. Trust and rely on the process. Let go and let god. Allow your gifts to come. Expect!

‘See the things you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, already in your possession.’ Robert Collier.

One Cannot Think Crooked And Walk Straight – Believe It Is Yours

Enjoy the quote. Put it into practice. Ask and keep the faith. Believe you will receive and you will receive. Without faith it is impossible. You will vacillate. With faith anything is possible. Ask, believe, and receive. That is how it works. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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