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“You want to be happier, right? We all do. While we want to be happier many of us work harder and are more overwhelmed. Some rise earlier, work more jobs, or work later, go home, attempt to unwind, stay up later attempting to veg and have family time.

People are retiring later because they have to work longer to have enough money to retire. Pension are disappearing. Vacations cut back. Less free time. More overwhelm. On top of it, a pandemic, the world is divided, politics loathsome, social networking negative.

This makes it all the more stressful. The more stress we feel, the more stressed we become, and this takes a toll on one’s health. Our brains and bodies are meant to handle stress but not to live with chronic stress. We need to find a way to get free from it all.

You Are Where Your Thoughts Brought You

If we can’t change circumstances, we need to replace our brains and bodies as they get overworked and stressed out. BUT we can’t do that either, so what can we do? We must change how we react, or respond, to the world around us and to our own reactions!

We must manage our thinking, our self-talk, and our feelings. We need to develop and maintain a positive and more optimistic lifestyle, which is less stressful and healthier. Since we can’t replace our heads and bodies this is something we really can do.

Changing your thoughts can transform your life! We can replace the old, negative habits with new healthy ones. Once we start making more positive habits this process becomes a habit and it becomes self-sustaining. You do it little by little to begin with. Then it grows!

The More You Do The More You Become Capable Of Doing

There are numerous ways to begin. Read uplifting books. Meditate. Use self-hypnosis to relax and let go. Chant affirmations. Take more stress breaks. Go for walks. Take naps. Exercise. Get a massage or some body work. Journal. Practice expressing gratitude.

Find positive ways to unwind and let go. Keep doing them. Little by little you transform. Each step gets you closer to the destination. Create new positive habits and your brain, your body and your life will change. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Available at Amazon world-wide! Get it today. Create your best life!

“As one of the ‘Top 25 Network Marketers in World’ and also a recovering alcoholic with over 30 years sobriety, I am constantly asked to review and read books on personal development either in business or recovery. Most of them are just like the last one I read. Nothing ever seems new or too useful. And then came Life On Your Terms by Rex Sikes. From the first page, I knew this book would be different and better. And the more I read the more right I was. Read this book. It will change your life. Even if your life is great, like mine is today, it will make it even better. I have so many people reading it, from my son to my AA friends to my business associates, because it works for everyone. I LOVE THIS BOOK!” – Tom Chenault, The Tom Chenault Radio Show 


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC



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