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“A big mistake, made frequently, is thinking you can make it all on your own. The notion of the ‘self-made’ person is erroneous. No one ever succeeds entirely alone. Your success is dependent on the network that surrounds you, believe it or not. Others help you!

It has been estimated your financial worth, the amount of money you will make, is most easily arrived at by averaging the income of the five people you spend the most time with. Look around you. If they aren’t making the kind of money you want, you won’t.

I’m not suggesting you rid yourself of friends, but you may need to include more. You may need to up-level the type of people you associate with. You want to be surrounded by people who are positive, optimistic, and are moving forward in their lives.

Your Network Creates Your Net Worth – Choose Wisely

Your networks fulfill important functions. You support each other. You inspire and uplift each other. You motivate each other. You can help or assist. Each of you are connected to other people and resources. Your reach is extended by the quality people you keep.

The really important function is to uplift and edify. There are many ups and downs when pursuing a career or life goal. Often there is temporary defeat or it may appear all is lost. Your close associates can help see you through it and help you maintain a positive mindset.

Your mindset and the mindset of your group is crucial. You want to hang with the most powerful, positive, optimistic ‘making it happen’ people you can. Choose friendly, respectful people who easily celebrate other people’s success. Choose people who stretch you.

Surround Yourself With People Who Can Lift You Up Higher

Don’t seek to be the smartest person in the group. Seek to learn and develop and grow. Seek to contribute to each member. Each member is a resource in multiple ways. Often, you can meet good people at personal and professional development events and seminars.

Make new acquaintances. Explore your possibilities as friends. Lift up each other! Contribute much. Go the extra mile. Offer more value than you receive. Work together in a healthy spirit of cooperation. Express your gratitude. Together, and when alone, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Law Of Attraction Magazine published one on my blogs. Check out the magazine and their other cool articles.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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