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“Somehow people have forgotten. Perhaps, they don’t know. Maybe they were brought up and have never heard, It is as true and needed today as it has always been. We should not ignore it but we should implement it in principle and practice. It makes a huge difference and creates many wonderful things.

The principle is ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. When you have more power you can do more. You can be more. So it is only natural to give the power and the benefits back. The more power one has the more accountable one is. The more one can do the more one should do. The more wealth one has the more one can share. The more one knows the more one can teach. If you know the way let others in on it.

Too many have made this a struggle between people and over resources. The greedy mind. If you perceive lack you will fight to keep whatever you have and try to get more. If you perceive plenty you can have all you want, allow others what they want, and even help to distribute it.

It is true some have plenty and prevent others from getting any. There are many in the world who have been living this way. Still there are those with much less who feel wealthy in various ways who give and continue to. Attitude and beliefs determine how you live in the world. It is long known that happiness is not dependent on things but on mental attitude. Happiness is a matter of one’s thinking and feeling. It is a matter of one’s spirit.

you are a gift to the world celebrate

A great way to feel happier is to help others find happiness. There are plenty in the world who need a kind word, a favor, a gift, help, or some support. There are people who need food, shelter, and other people to connect with. Please do not let the cruelty and selfishness of some make it harder for the many in need.

Give from your spirit and your heart. This is true year round but especially during holiday seasons. It might be someone in your own family who needs extra care, a child, a neighbor or someone in your community. It might be a friend, co-worker or even a stranger. It might be a person in a nursing home, hospital, shelter or someone homeless .

Take some time the rest of this year to see what you can do from your heart to help. Make a difference for someone and you will make a difference for you.

When you help others it changes things in you while helping change things for them. Both transform. You will feel touched, happier and more well being. Share your love, peace, kindness and blessing!” Rex Sikes

You have a gift! it’s called today.

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