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“Here’s a brief checklist. Evaluate yourself and see whether or not you embody these qualities and characteristics. The more you do the better your success is likely to be. People like people who uplift and encourage, motivate and inspire others. Do you uplift others?

There’s no score. If you are deficit in any one of these you can work to improve. I give you keys to making improvements in my blogs, my programs and my book Life On Your Terms. I encourage you to develop a pleasing personality and start winning far more often.

Make more friends and enjoy life more!

Traits and Qualities Of A Person With A Pleasing Personality:

_Positive and optimistic.

_Seeks to unite and work together in harmony and cooperation.

_Goes first by giving attention, respect, kindness, peace. etc.

_Doesn’t wait to do good or help out.


_High vibe energy without being frenetic.

_Calm, confident assured.

_Respects others.

_Listens well. Listens to understand not to speak.

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_Communicates thoughts and ideas well.

_Inclusive of others.

_Smiles frequently.

_Gives credit where credit is due. (Because more people will do more things for recognition than for money)

_Uplifts and motivates people while being generous in sincere praise.




_Easy to get along with. Fun.

_People want to include this person because this person never says a nasty word and is always friendly, upbeat, helpful and enjoys all others.

_Easy going.

_Looks for solutions not problems.

_Looks for the good, the opportunity and the lessons in challenges.

_Takes responsibility for own life. Thoughts, words and actions.

_Doesn’t spend time complaining or blaming but looking for the good and expressing positive thoughts to inspire and uplift.

Napoleon Hill listed so many important things to concentrate on, develop and improve so you could THINK and then grow rich. Mindset is the beginning, the middle and the end to success. It begins with thinking right, feeling right and doing right.

With the right attitude and mental set you can accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams! So how many positive traits do you live? Transform yourself and you’ll discover how incredible a difference it makes for your happiness and success.

Be honest. What areas do you need improvement in? Where are you already doing well and should continue? Transformation is possible and wonderful. This is the way to win friends and influence people. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex wants you to live the life of your dreams. His book is the road map to successfully and fully chase the excellence you desire and deserve. Happy reading.” – Mark Victor Hansen Author Chicken Soup For The Soul


Meet Tom. A great guy and one of the top 25 network marketers in the world.. He knows how to connect people to their resources. He helps people create a life, good health and wealth. From Colorado he is a powerful positive force.  Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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