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“Someone posted that due to shelter at home children would be screwed out of a future. They miss school deadlines and the like. Our children will not be screwed out of any future. The future is wide open. The future begins now. It is what we think it into being.

Some will resist that last point. The future will be what we think it into being. Future first starts in the mind. People generate ideas and transform them into physical reality. The future exists as an idea. Don’t miss this important point. You make the future. You create it.

Children may miss certain deadlines now for a number of legitimate safety reasons. Still, the future is still theirs to make what they will with it.  Whether in school or not. Keep the faith. There may be hardships along the way but don’t worry. Provide love and support.

The Mind Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Think

Encourage them to create their own future. Encourage them that they will determine their own future by their thoughts and actions. This  is far more important and superior to the education they may currently miss. Many self-made people were poorly educated.

Bring them up knowing they can be champions and not losers, victors, and not victims. Help them get through this and any circumstance with courage, serenity and wisdom. Choose resilience, flexibility, optimism, hope, love, faith, wisdom, intelligence.

Many of the qualities don’t come from within the walls of public or private education but from home, and the significant people and role models in a child’s life. Anything is possible. Everything can become possible if you choose to make it so. Be realistic and be optimistic.

You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You 

Stop creating more worry and anxiety for yourself and your children. Don’t get caught in a negative flood of dire feelings. Stop it. Breathe. Shift your attention. Your energy flows where your attention goes. What you focus on is magnified. Only focus on the good. Get it?

Still, the kite rises highest against the wind. Challenge and adversity provide opportunity we may not know or recognize without it. So, be flexible. Adjust and continue. Remain positive. All is possible.  Everything is a blessing and an opportunity if you think it is.

It is up to you what you do with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. You either are more positive or more negative. You either uplift and inspire or create doubt, uncertainty and fear. Choose which you want for yourself, your children and others.

You Can’t Escape The Consequences Of Your Thoughts

Then do what you want more of and do less of what you don’t want! Remember, what is it you are focused on? What is it you are creating? Become aware. Manage your mindset. Help create a worthwhile and wonderful future regardless of any challenges and difficulties. Learn from these. Do it!  Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes



“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices.  Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!

“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Royalty free, public domain image used

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