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“Your subconscious mind (the servant mechanism) does not distinguish between good or bad, right or wrong, wanted or unwanted. It just goes wherever you place your attention. Whatever you focus on, it works to create, manifest or attract, good or bad.

It doesn’t care. It is simply blindly obedient. Whatever you think about most of the time and feel strong emotion about you end up getting more of in your life. Our thoughts and feelings govern us. This is why we should learn to manage our thoughts and feelings.

We pay attention to experience differently depending on what we think it will be. If you expect tomorrow to be a bear of a day, while you may be unexpectedly surprised that it isn’t, or wasn’t as bad as you fear, in all likelihood, it will be a pretty tough day. Why?

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

Because you expect it to be. Your fears and dread set your frame of mind. Your worst thoughts of what bad may happen is what you are anticipating. You expect it to suck and it does. Then guess what you were right after all. What you think about you tend to bring about.

And by golly people always like to be right. No one ever wants to be proven wrong. SO we think something will be the case. It turns out that it is the case. Then we exclaim ‘I knew it!’ because we are oddly proud we knew in advance the day would suck. Geeesh.

The same thing works in reverse. If you expect the day to go well, though you may be unexpectedly surprised by upsetting moments, typically the day goes pretty darn well. Because you are expecting it to be fun, easy and to go well that’s what you focus on. Get it

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

Whatever we focus on expands. Whatever we think about we find our brain sends us other examples, memories and associations to consider. Like tends to attract like. Birds of a feather, you know. So expect the best and enjoy your days.

If the worst is going to happen it is going to happen. No reason to add fuel to that fire. Create the best by deliberately choosing your thoughts and emotions and enjoy life so much more. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I want to give you a $497 bonus training for free when you purchase Life On Your Terms from amazon. Check it out! If you already purchased my book simply follow the instructions and I’ll get you the training too!


“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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