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“Most people don’t think this is true. Why not? Because of conditioning or brainwashing. We’ve all been brainwashed to think you have little power over yourself AND outer circumstances dictate how you feel. It isn’t true. Yet, we’ve believed it for so long.

You alone are responsible for your emotions. You’re responsible for your emotional well-being. You alone can control what you think, feel and do. You might not believe it but this is true. No one can do it for you. Only you. You just didn’t learn how during the brainwash.

Might it take some time to get the knack of it? Yes, especially if you have lived your life as a victim of your thoughts, feelings and circumstances. Then it may take a little time to recondition your brain to serve you as the emperor you are instead of as a victim.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

You can change from victim and become a victor. You can become a winner and a champion! BUT you must just learn to take control. You must begin to assume 100% responsibility. Commit to redirecting your energy. Whenever you notice it’s less than glorious, shift!

If you don’t like it or don’t want it, or if you are feeling down and bad take it as a signal. It’s a signal, or a message, delivered to you so you can redirect your energy. Negative feelings ARE signals. Pay attention so you can change your thinking. It’s an opportunity.

Direct your attention toward the positive. What you do want? Stop focusing on what you don’t want. Shift away from the negative toward the positive. Let go of what hurts and doesn’t work. Put your attention on the good. Feel grateful. Learn to manage your mind.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

Stop being a victim of your thinking and circumstances. Decide how to respond to circumstances, instead of letting circumstances dictate how you should think, feel and behave. You are more powerful than circumstances even if you don’t think you are.

You are.! Realize this.  When you do, and you take 100% responsibility for changing yourself and circumstances, everything begins to transform. You stop being a victim and start becoming a victor. You start living powerfully and positively.

You begin creating what you want instead of accepting what’s handed you. You begin to live with purpose instead of living clueless. You start manifesting ON purpose. You set intentions. You take the feedback, the signals and adjust and continue and shift toward being successful. Get this and begin today! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I want to give you a $497 bonus training for free when you purchase Life On Your Terms from amazon. Check it out! If you already purchased my book simply follow the instructions and I’ll get you the training too!


“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2020 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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