“It’s tough to make decisions when you’re emotionally stressed. The best thing to do is do those things you can to reduce and alleviate the stress. First and foremost do the things you know will make you feel better. Think better to feel better, then you’ll act better.
When you feel better you make better choices. You can’t and won’t when frazzled and stressed. Once you reduce stress and feel better, you’re more able to look to other areas and opportunities. When you’re feeling better you’re more open to possibilities.
If money issues are troubling you, then once you’re thinking and feeling positive and uplifted, you are clear and freer to pursue ways of making money and recognizing opportunities you’d otherwise miss. The goal is to feel the best you are able to at any moment.
Create A Positive Mindset And Maintain It – Think And Be Better
So take walks, get massages, take a sauna or steam or bath. Do the things that make you feel relaxed and on top of the world. Do things you enjoy that make you smile and laugh. Shift your mind away from the negative, let it go, and shift to the positive and the uplifting.
As a reminder, the kite rises highest against the wind. Troubled times and obstacles help us to grow stronger. It’s not what we do to change circumstances, it is who we become on our journey. Our problems help us recognize our talents and resources if we but look.
Keep in mind that you’ll get through it. You’ll figure things out. Everything will work out for the best in the long run. You’ll land on your feet. Develop this certainty. Know good things are coming. Manage your mindset. Know inside you ‘got this.’ You really do!
A Positive Mindset Helps You Think – Feel – And Be Better
Consider tough times as blessings to help you come into your higher and best self. You’ll discover things about yourself you otherwise would not. Learn from the tough times and use them to adjust your attitude, your mindset and your feelings. It’s a great time to learn.
Then when times get tough anytime again, you’re better prepared to go through them. The more you work on your mindset the easier it is to go through difficult times. They don’t seem as tough. You get better at handling difficulty because you handle difficulty. Get it?
It’s sometimes hard to see through the trees to recognize the forest. But don’t let difficulty seeing past the difficulties prevent you from seeing possibilities and opportunities and making good happen. Use the troubles to go beyond the troubles and up-level yourself.
Transform Your Thinking To Create Your Best Life Ever
When times are tough do those things to feel good. Read and listen to inspirational, uplifting, positive material. Now, is when to fill your mind with the finest thoughts. Take care to make your thoughts and feelings positive and optimistic. Nurture your mind. It’s worth it!
When we keep our eyes on the light even while in the darkness things tend to improve and we do feel better. We can feel better even if things don’t improve right away. Our thoughts determine how we approach the world. So we must keep them uplifting.
Then, the world will eventually begin to conform to you. Every single second is an opportunity to change your life because at any moment you can change the way you feel. The problem for most people is we didn’t learn how to change our feelings growing up or in school.
To Create Your Best Life You Must Think And Feel Better First
But the opportunity still exists for you to be able to do that. At times you just have to sit with them, watch them ,and then let them go. Sometimes, when times are tough you need to stop and regroup and take time to learn and prepare for the next step.
There’s the saying: if you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. AND if you’re expecting a different result while doing everything the same, that’s the definition of insanity. If you want your life to change, you can’t keep doing the same things.
Doing the same things over and over again builds habit or patterns. You have to learn to do new and different things that get you different results. It’s called being stuck in a rut. You must stop doing the things that keep you stuck and do new things. You can learn this.
A Successful Happy Life – Begins With A Positive Mindset
It’s like a car being stuck in the snow or mud. The tires spin but we don’t go anywhere. So, you have to learn to change your mindset and do things differently. Change your feelings so that you feel the best instead of the worst when you encounter troubles.
Because that’s how, and when, things begin to change because you’re doing things differently and you’re not doing them the same way. You’re breaking up old habits and patterns and discovering new possibilities. It really is the only way things truly work out well
When we can recognize we’re doing the same thing over and over again that’s causing us the trouble, and then stop doing those things and do different, positive things that bring about different positive results, everything can change for the better! IT DOES.
Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life
The good news is you don’t have to do a major overhaul all at once. Just doing little things bit-by-bit, step-by-step or bite-by-bite we can make a lot of positive changes fairly quickly that bring us the relief and the resolve, and the better times we desire. Just get going.
One thing at a time. You’ll figure it out. Take it one thing at a time. One day at a time One step at a time. You can only put one foot in front of the other when you walk and the same is true with the difficulties going on. Take a step and tackle one thing at a time.
Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Begin to trust yourself. If you fill your mind with positive thoughts, affirm them, surround yourself with positive uplifting people, and do things to relax, let go, feel better and smile more you’ll get through it much easier. You’ll be surprised at how much easier things become when you first take care of yourself instead of trying to fix the problem first. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms
“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto, Int’l Marketing Mentor
Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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