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“Plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz unlocked the notion of self-image for psychologists and the human potential and self-help movements in the 60s. Thought leaders and ancient mystics knew this all along but until Maltz put pieces together, psychology was a flaccid field.

Maltz pointed out, “Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-brake on.” You can’t expect to get far driving that way. You need to release what’s holding you back. It’s an important inner transformation that’s required and not a cosmetic external one.

“The ‘self-image’ is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self-image and you change the personality and the behavior.” Change from within results in changing the system, the behavior and ultimately the results. This is the efficient way to change yourself.

You Can Reprogram Your Mind By Using This Technology

People try to change results or circumstances instead of working on their inner image which is the prerequisite for change.“For imagination sets the goal picture which our automatic mechanism works on. We act, or fail to act, not because of will, as is so commonly believed, but because of imagination.”

People think, ‘I’ll just boot-strap it and work harder. Will power will make a difference.” But Maltz proved this incorrect. “Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.” He said, “Your most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself.” Get this point!

The most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself! Why? Because “You will act like the sort of person you conceive yourself to be.” You actions are always consistent with your inner image. Want to change your results and behaviors? Change your inner image first!

Update And Upgrade Your Self-Image With Greater Ease

Everything changes when you alter your self-image in positive ways. “The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth.” I share with you these principles and practices to help you become the best inner version of you. Activate your attitude and believe in yourself. You’ll act consistent with your inner image to make your dreams come true or not. Today, now, is all you have. What are you waiting for? Do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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