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“Let’s explore the word ‘try’. “A subtype of conversational implicature described by M.Geis and A.M.Zwicky. The promise If you mow my lawn, I’ll give you five dollars, generally speaking, ‘invites’ the unexpressed inference, if you don’t mow my lawn, I won’t give you five dollars. Invited inferences, which have a pragmatic basis, must be distinguished from logical conclusions.

In linguistics ‘try’ is an ‘invited inference’ as in ‘she tried to open the door but could not.’ It is also possible she tried the door and found it open. While try may imply failure as some suggest it is possible it does not depending on how it’s used. For example, ‘try to pick up the pencil.’ You could attempt it and either succeed or not. However, people use it to say you can’t try, you can only do.

Understand? Some tell you to eliminate try from your vocabulary. Consider this. Try never saying the word try again. Silly right? We don’t want to remove choices from people, we want to direct them how to use their choices for the greatest effect or ROI. I don’t want people to be limited but to be free to use all resources, possibilities and opportunities available to them. Get it.


Try may not always be an invited inference BUT an invitation. It may or may not be equivalent to ‘try the pizza.’ It doesn’t say whether you will or won’t like it. It is an invitation to sample it. From there you decide whether you like it or don’t. Or ‘try to make it to the party.’ While we understand both not liking the pizza or not being able to make the party is possible, it is still JUST an invite.

One usage may imply or implied failure. The other is an invitation. To never say the word try is a limitation when you could say to someone ‘try in vain to fail and discover you cannot’. There are times when to use and when not to use words or phrases. It is important to know when it is useful and not eliminate choices. ‘Never say never!’ is case in point.

‘Try in vain to worry about that and discover instead you have more choices’. You want to know where and what you are aiming people at to help them be more resourceful and not continue limitations. What is it you are trying to communicate? Or what are you attempting to communicate? Or what do you want to communicate? What are you communicating?


Which I’d call ‘communicaring.’  Get it? It can be useful to temporarily restrict some word choices you use to practice using ones you don’t often use. For example, limit the use of try to instruct more directly what you want someone to do. For example, I might ask, ‘get me a drink of water please.’ It’s unlikely I’d say, ‘try to get me a glass of water please.’ Do you understand this?

When do you or don’t you want to use the word try. For a time being replace it with positive directions. ‘Have some pizza. You might like it.’ The more precise you can be in communicating the easier it is for the other person to understand and follow through on what you are saying. Particularly if you are requesting, they do or don’t do something. Brains are interesting organs.

On a side note, if you say, ‘ don’t forget to pick up some milk on the way home.’ It is wisest to add, ‘remember to pick up some milk on the way home.’ Why do you say this? Well, what is it you are wanting them to do? Are you wanting them to forget to pick up mil or remember to pick up milk? Be clear about what you intend to say to the other person. Try to do this regularly.


Or should I say, ‘do this regularly.’ I can add, ‘it’s okay if you don’t remember once in a while but try to do it as often as you can.’ Or say, ‘Do this regularly. If you miss a time, do it at the next available opportunity.’ I invite you to explore how you use words effectively. Most people think since we speak, we communicate well. However, sadly that is just not the case. Look into it.

If you’d like to learn more, I invite you to look into my program, The Ultimate NLP Home Study Course. This course includes tons of principles and practices, explanations and exercises to help make you a more influential, positive and powerful communicator, but there are tons of self-help methods, strategies and techniques for overcoming limitations and difficulties and moving forward, leveling up with great ease. You can help yourself and others using what you learn here. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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