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“From within to without. A favorite person or a onetime living example of a positive, powerful working attitude and mindset is Edwin C. Barnes. He’s in the opening chapter of Think and Grow Rich. I speak and write about him frequently and have for many decades, so I won’t repeat it here except to say he did not let circumstances defeat him. He stayed true to his dream.

The Wright Brothers too did not let their failures prevent them from succeeding. Instead of quitting they used what didn’t work, or what went wrong as feedback to learn what to do instead. They kept experimenting with heart and spirit, confident they’d succeed, instead of throwing in the towel. They refused to let defeat, circumstances, negative events or people prevent them. Get it?

Barnes, the Wright Bros. and others Hill used as examples weren’t negatively overwhelmed when things didn’t at first work out. Why? Because their attention wasn’t on the problem and less-than-glorious circumstances but on their inner dream. They were passionate about making their dream, their goal, their Definite Chief Aim a reality. They believed in themselves and developed certainty.


They didn’t let the visible evidence of lack, or a lack of evidence prevent them from staying committed. They persisted? Because they were certain IF they did, they would succeed. Their sight wasn’t on what they presently saw in the world around them but on the invisible dreams and ideas they decided they’d make reality. Barnes became Edison’s partner and the brothers flew!

There’s a scripture that describes this well. So, we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.’ 2 Corinthians 4:8 It would serve you well too to keep this in mind and learn how to do it. Master this and you master your destiny. 

Attitude is everything. It’s the number one predictor of success! Where you put your attention is crucial. Energy and power flows from where your attention goes. Remember, what we focus on expands. We get what we most frequently think about. If you see something as a problem, you’ll find more problems. If you see it as a blessing, you’ll discover more blessings. That’s why I say Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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